
27 March, 2014

Override System Date using Feature Configuration CI_GENSYSCFG (Oracel CC&B)

This option provides a way to override the system date for on-line operations. Specify a system override date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If populated, the system will use this date as the system date instead of retrieving the system date from the database.

30 January, 2014

Create a SQL Table from XML content (CLOB) - Oracle DB

SELECT li.*  FROM f1_fact f,
XMLTable('/factDataArea/mapping' PASSING xmltype(f.FACT_DATA_AREA) COLUMNS 

 seq         NUMBER(10)    PATH '/mapping/seq',
 lowALFPer   VARCHAR2(12)  PATH '/mapping/lowALFPercent',
 highALFper  VARCHAR2(12)  PATH '/mapping/highALFPercent',
 lowALFKW    VARCHAR2(12)  PATH '/mapping/lowALFKW',
 highALFKW   VARCHAR2(12)  PATH '/mapping/highALFKW',

 newRateCCD  VARCHAR2(12)  PATH '/mapping/newRateClassCode'
                          ) li;

08 September, 2012

Create Filter to reduce the list elements instead of iterating all (Oracle CC&B)

This is useful to filter the number of elements you are going to work with and not to iterate all of them also depends on the information you have in oder to filter, the more info you got more specific and short is the retrieved list. See the hibernate mapping for the corresponding entity before do the filter.

ServiceAgreementContractQuantities contractQuantities = sa.getContractQuantities();
ListFilter list = contractQuantities.createFilter("WHERE : contractType AND <= :today" );
list.bindDate("today", getSystemDateTime().getDate());
list.bindEntity("contractType", contractQntType);

07 September, 2012

Easy way to get the option values in JAVA from a feature configuration (Oracle CC&B)

The easiest way to get the option values in JAVA from a feature configuration...

Iterator<FeatureConfigurationOptionData> iter= featureOptions.getFeatureConfigurationOptions(null, option , feature).iterator();

