
27 March, 2014

Override System Date using Feature Configuration CI_GENSYSCFG (Oracel CC&B)

This option provides a way to override the system date for on-line operations. Specify a system override date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If populated, the system will use this date as the system date instead of retrieving the system date from the database.

30 January, 2014

Create a SQL Table from XML content (CLOB) - Oracle DB

SELECT li.*  FROM f1_fact f,
XMLTable('/factDataArea/mapping' PASSING xmltype(f.FACT_DATA_AREA) COLUMNS 

 seq         NUMBER(10)    PATH '/mapping/seq',
 lowALFPer   VARCHAR2(12)  PATH '/mapping/lowALFPercent',
 highALFper  VARCHAR2(12)  PATH '/mapping/highALFPercent',
 lowALFKW    VARCHAR2(12)  PATH '/mapping/lowALFKW',
 highALFKW   VARCHAR2(12)  PATH '/mapping/highALFKW',

 newRateCCD  VARCHAR2(12)  PATH '/mapping/newRateClassCode'
                          ) li;